Our Products
Our Products
Mobile Worker Management
Journey Management
How It Works
Journey Management
Our Journey Management solution provides centralised visibility of your mobile workers, automated emergency escalations and helps reduce the number of accidents, injuries and delays among mobile workers.

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Journey Management Guide
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Lone Worker Management
How It Works
Lone Worker Management
Our Lone Worker solution provides complete visibility no matter where your workers are, effective communication with periodic check-ins and a fast and reliable emergency escalation process.
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Lone Worker Management Guide
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EHS Management
Incident Reporting
How It Works
EHS Management
Our Incident Reporting solution helps you prevent workplace injuries by capturing crucial details, assigning corrective actions, and safety trend analysis with data-driven insights.

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EHS Management Guide
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Hazard Identification
How It Works
Hazard Identification
With our Hazard Identification solution, you can capture, prioritize and control workplace hazards. Unlike paper-based solutions, anyone can report a hazard while working out in the field. The report is done quickly and from any mobile or web-based device.
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Hazard Identification Guide
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Safety Observations
How It Works
Safety Observations Guide
Our safety observation solution offers real-time communication, ensuring swift action on safety concerns. It streamlines and improves employee safety, empowering safety managers to proactively mitigate risks and drive a safer work environment.
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Safety Observations Guide
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Audits and Inspections
How It Works
Audits and Inspections Guide
With our Audits & Inspections solution, you can schedule and assign standardized Audits & Inspections. Allocate corrective actions and track the progress of remediation efforts.
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Audits and Inspections Guide
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Fatigue Management
Alertness Tracking
How It Works
Fatigue Management
Our proactive Fatigue Management solution uses a game-like quiz to identify when your people are struggling with alertness, a leading indicator of fatigue.
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Fatigue Management Guide
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Training Tracker
How It Works
Training Tracker
Our Training Tracking solution simplifies the complexities of safety training scheduling. Build out training curriculums by site, role or project and rely on automated training reminders and renewals.
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Training Tracker Guide
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How It Works
Journey Management
Our Journey Management solution provides centralised visibility of your mobile workers, automated emergency escalations and helps reduce the number of accidents, injuries and delays among mobile workers.
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Journey Management Guide
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Our Solutions
Industries we serve
All Industries
Mining, Oil and Gas
How It Works
Ensure your mining operations meet the highest standards of safety and compliance with SafetyIQ. Our proactive safety management is specifically configured to manage all elements of Work Health and Safety that are unique to the Mining Industry.
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Mining, Oil and Gas Safety Guide
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How It Works
Ou safety software empowers the manufacturing industry to create safer, healthier, and more productive workspaces. We help you to truly become the guardian of your workforce's safety, protecting the backbone of your organization from the risks that could grind your progress to a halt.
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Manufacturing Safety Guide
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Construction and Engineering
How It Works
Our safety management solution was built manage all elements of Work Health and Safety that are unique to the Construction Industry including safety processes for workers that travel or work alone, with a comprehensive EHS Management tool.
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Construction and Engineering Safety Guide
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Transport and Logistics
How It Works
We help Transport and Logistics companies to streamline incident reporting, real-time monitoring of drivers, enhance compliance management, and enable data-driven decision-making. Experience a safer and more efficient operation with SafetyIQ.
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Transport and Logistics Safety Guide
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Health and Community Services
How It Works
We help Health and Community Services Organisations meet the highest standards of safety and compliance. Our Safety management platform is specifically configured to manage all elements of Work Health and Safety that are unique to the Health and Community Services Industry.
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Health and Community Services Safety Guide
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How we help
Ensure your mining operations meet the highest standards of safety and compliance with SafetyIQ. Our proactive safety management is specifically configured to manage all elements of Work Health and Safety that are unique to the Mining Industry.
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Mining, Oil and Gas Safety Guide
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Our Products
How It Works
Journey Management
Our Journey Management solution provides centralised visibility of your mobile workers, automated emergency escalations and helps reduce the number of accidents, injuries and delays among mobile workers.
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Journey Management Guide
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How It Works
Lone Worker Management
Our Lone Worker solution provides complete visibility no matter where your workers are, effective communication with periodic check-ins and a fast and reliable emergency escalation process.
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Lone Worker Management Guide
cover image of lone worker guideDownload Guide
How It Works
Incident Reporting
Our Incident Reporting solution helps you prevent workplace injuries by capturing crucial details, assigning corrective actions, and safety trend analysis with data-driven insights.

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Incident Reporting Guide
cover image of our incident reporting guideDownload Guide
How It Works
Hazard Identification
With our Hazard Identification solution, you can capture, prioritize and control workplace hazards. Unlike paper-based solutions, anyone can report a hazard while working out in the field. The report is done quickly and from any mobile or web-based device.
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Hazard Identification Guide
cover image for hazard management guideDownload Guide
How It Works
Safety Observations
Our Safety Observation solution offers real-time communication, ensuring swift action on safety concerns. It streamlines and improves employee safety, empowering safety managers to proactively mitigate risks and drive a safer work environment.
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Safety Observations Guide
safety observation guide cover imageDownload Guide
How It Works
Audits and Inspections
With our Audits and Inspections solution, you can schedule and assign standardized Audits and Inspections. Allocate corrective actions and track the progress of remediation efforts.
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Audits and Inspections Guide
safety audits and inspections guide cover imageDownload Guide
How It Works
Training Tracker
Our Training Tracking solution simplifies the complexities of safety training scheduling. Build out training curriculums by site, role or project and rely on automated training reminders and renewals.
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Training Tracker Guide
training tracking software guide cover imageDownload Guide
How It Works
Fatigue Management
Our proactive Fatigue Management solution uses a game-like quiz to identify when your people are struggling with alertness, a leading indicator of fatigue.
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Fatigue Management Guide
cover image of fatigue management guideDownload Guide
Our Solutions
How It Works
Mining, Oil and Gas
Ensure your mining operations meet the highest standards of safety and compliance with SafetyIQ. Our proactive safety management is specifically configured to manage all elements of Workplace Health and Safety that are unique to the Mining Industry.
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Mining, Oil and Gas Safety Guide
Mining industry usecase imageDownload Guide
How It Works
Our safety software empowers the manufacturing industry to create safer, healthier, and more productive workspaces. We help you to truly become the guardian of your workforce's safety, protecting the backbone of your organization from the risks that could grind your progress to a halt.
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Manufacturing Safety Guide
2 workers in ppe walking through a manufacturing factoryDownload Guide
How It Works
Construction and Engineering
Our safety management solution was built to manage all elements of Workplace Health and Safety that are unique to the Construction Industry including safety processes for workers that travel or work alone, with a comprehensive Safety Management Platform.
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Construction and Engineering Safety Guide
Construction industry use case imageDownload Guide
How It Works
Transport and Logistics
We help Transport and Logistics companies to streamline incident reporting, real-time monitoring of drivers, enhance compliance management, and enable data-driven decision-making. Experience a safer and more efficient operation with SafetyIQ.
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Transport and Logistics Safety Guide
transport and logistics industry imageDownload Guide
How It Works
Health and Community Services
We help Health and Community Services Organisations meet the highest standards of safety and compliance. Our Safety management platform is specifically configured to manage all elements of Workplace Health and Safety that are unique to the Health and Community Services Industry.
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Health and Community Services Safety Guide
Social worker attending patient home visitDownload Guide

AI-Driven Safety Solutions: Revolutionising Workforce Management

From mining and construction to oil and gas, high-risk industries have been an integral part of the Australian economy for decades. These sectors have long been associated with hazardous working conditions, where employees often face life-threatening risks on a daily basis. Despite rigorous safety protocols and regulations, accidents and injuries continue to occur, leaving a lasting impact on the workers and their families.

High-risk industries comprise a diverse range of sectors, each with its own unique set of challenges and dangers. In Australia, some of the most prominent high-risk industries include mining, construction, oil and gas, agriculture, and transportation. These sectors are characterised by heavy machinery, hazardous materials, and extreme environments, all of which contribute to the elevated risk levels faced by the workforce.

Traditional safety measures in high-risk workplaces

To mitigate risks and protect workers, businesses operating in high-risk industries have historically relied on a combination of strict safety guidelines, personal protective equipment (PPE), and regular training sessions. Additionally, organisations have been required to comply with stringent government regulations, designed to ensure that workplace safety standards are maintained. However, despite these efforts, incidents and injuries remain an unfortunate reality in high-risk industries, emphasising the need for more effective and innovative safety solutions.

The emergence of AI-driven safety solutions and their impact

Enter artificial intelligence (AI), a rapidly evolving technology that is revolutionising the way we approach safety in high-risk industries. By harnessing the power of AI, businesses are now able to access unprecedented levels of data analysis, real-time monitoring, and predictive modelling. These cutting-edge solutions are transforming the way high-risk workforce management is conducted, offering enhanced protection for employees and reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Understanding AI-Driven Safety Solutions

The integration of artificial intelligence into safety management systems has opened up new avenues for businesses to ensure the well-being of their workforce. In this section, we will define AI, explore its applications in safety solutions, and discuss the advantages of AI-driven safety solutions compared to traditional methods.

A. Definition of artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. In the context of high-risk workforce management, narrow AI is primarily used to enhance safety solutions.

B. Applications of AI in safety solutions

AI-driven safety solutions can be applied in various ways to ensure the protection of workers in high-risk industries. Some of the most notable applications include:

  1. Predictive analytics: By analysing historical data, AI systems can identify patterns and trends that may indicate potential hazards. This information can then be used to develop proactive safety measures, preventing accidents before they occur.
  2. Real-time monitoring: AI-powered sensors and devices can monitor work environments and machinery in real time, providing instant alerts when unsafe conditions are detected.
  3. Automated inspections: Drones and robots equipped with AI can conduct inspections in hazardous areas, reducing the need for workers to be exposed to dangerous situations.
  4. Training and simulation: AI can be used to create realistic training scenarios and virtual simulations, allowing workers to practice handling emergencies and hazardous situations in a safe environment.

C. Advantages of AI-driven safety solutions over traditional methods

The incorporation of AI-driven safety solutions in high-risk industries offers several advantages over traditional safety measures:

  1. Increased accuracy: AI systems can process and analyse vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, leading to more precise risk assessments and targeted safety interventions.
  2. Proactive prevention: By identifying potential hazards before they become critical, AI-driven safety solutions enable businesses to take preventive action, reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries.
  3. Real-time responsiveness: AI-powered devices can provide instant alerts in response to changing conditions, allowing for immediate action to mitigate risks.
  4. Continuous improvement: Machine learning algorithms enable AI systems to learn from past experiences, continually refining their performance and adapting to evolving workplace environments.
  5. Cost-effectiveness: Although AI-driven safety solutions may require significant initial investment, they can ultimately lead to reduced operational costs by minimising downtime, preventing accidents, and optimising maintenance schedules.

Key Components of AI-Driven Safety Solutions

AI-driven safety solutions incorporate a range of advanced technologies and tools to provide comprehensive protection for workers in high-risk industries. In this section, we will discuss the key components of these innovative solutions, including IoT devices and sensors, predictive analytics and modelling, real-time monitoring and emergency alerts, and machine learning algorithms for continuous improvement.

A. IoT devices and sensors

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected devices, machines, and sensors that communicate with one another to collect, process, and share data. In the context of AI-driven safety solutions, IoT devices and sensors play a crucial role in gathering real-time information about work environments, machinery, and worker health. This data can then be used by AI systems to assess risk levels, identify potential hazards, and provide instant feedback to workers and supervisors.

B. Predictive analytics and modelling

Predictive analytics and modelling involve the use of AI systems to analyse large volumes of historical data, identifying patterns and trends that can help predict future events. In high-risk industries, predictive analytics can be used to forecast potential accidents, equipment failures, or hazardous conditions. By proactively identifying these risks, businesses can implement targeted safety interventions, preventing incidents before they occur and minimising the impact on workers and operations.

C. Real-time monitoring and emergency alerts

Real-time monitoring is an essential component of AI-driven safety solutions, enabling businesses to stay informed about the status of their work environments, equipment, and workforce at all times. AI-powered devices and sensors can continuously track various factors, such as temperature, air quality, vibration levels, and worker biometrics. If any anomalies or potential hazards are detected, the system can instantly send emergency alerts to workers and supervisors, facilitating rapid response and ensuring the safety of all personnel.

D. Machine learning algorithms for continuous improvement

Machine learning, a subset of AI, involves the development of algorithms that can learn and improve from experience, without being explicitly programmed. In the context of AI-driven safety solutions, machine learning algorithms can be used to refine risk assessments, predictive models, and monitoring systems over time. As the AI system processes more data and encounters new scenarios, it becomes increasingly adept at identifying hazards, making recommendations, and adapting to evolving workplace conditions. This continuous improvement ensures that AI-driven safety solutions remain effective and relevant, providing ongoing protection for workers in high-risk industries.


We cover a range of topics in our articles - view all blogs.

Types of Risks with Remote and Isolated Work

SafetyIQ’s journey management software can help to control the risks and protect your people. 

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Using Technology to Improve Safety in the Workplace

Journey management software program can allow employers to be instantly alerted when an employee has not checked-in.

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What is Journey Management and Why Does it Matter?

From planning the journey, completing a risk assessment to gaining approval, the entire process is automated and seamless with SafetyIQ.

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